Budget Synopsis: Peru

Days in country: 17
Food: $291
Lodging: $181 (3/17 days were Couchsurfing)
Transport: $359 (buses and taxis)
Tours/admission fees: $298
Souvenirs: $5
Other: $27 (ringworm medicine, lock replacement)           

TOTAL: $1,162= $68.35/day for 2 people

Ouch....we miss Ecuador. While once again we didn't have quite the amount of Couchsurfing/Workaways come through that we had hoped for, it was the cost of transportation that sent our budget sky-high. Long distances and bus fares that cost between $28-120 were the bane of our existence, but we considered our $120/person splurge to Machu Picchu totally worth it. Guide book listed daily cost somewhere between $20-30 person, so we're definitely over, but at least our lack of spending in Ecuador will help even everything out!


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