Budget Synopsis: Poland

Days in country: 4
Food: $96.80
Lodging: $36.57 (1 night in airport, 1 night Couchsurfing)
Transport: $41.04 (buses, trams)
Entrance fees: $16.19 (museum)
Tours: $85.71 (Auschwitz)
Souvenirs: $6.35
Other: $31.94 (postage, toiletries)  

TOTAL: $314.60= $78.65/day for 2 people

The tour to Auschwitz was our big ticket item here, but as we discussed in the blog post we wouldn't have done it any other way. Transport in general was inexpensive (less than $13/person for a five hour posh bus ride from Krakow to Warsaw and less than $5/person for an unlimited 24-hour public transport ticket) and cheap food could be found easily as well. Our lodging costs were lower here as well, although we were only paying around $9 each for a dorm bed when we had to). Overall, I very budget friendly country, but it didn't help matters that we moved through so quickly, which also raised our daily tally.

NOTE: While I'm not including airfares between countries in our individual country budgets (it would drastically skew the numbers), we paid $222.88 for two tickets on Air Baltic to fly from Warsaw, Poland to Tallinn, Estonia.


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