Budget Synopsis: Romania

Days in country: 13
Food: $159.08
Lodging: $113.03 (1 overnight train, 7 days on a Workaway)
Transport: $164.85 (taxi, trains, buses, gondola)
Entrance fees: $20.61 (museums, castle)
Souvenirs: $5.45
Other: $41.28 (toiletries, public bathrooms)  

TOTAL: $504.30= $38.79/day for 2 people

While our time at this Workaway may not rank up there with our favorites, it definitely helped toward costs in an already cheaper country. Train travel, while typically running late, was pretty cheap and we even took taxis a few times for the convenience factor and the fact that they cost a few bucks. The entrance fee to Bran Castle was by far the steepest (25 lei, or almost $8, compared to most entrance fees of 4-6 lei) and as we head through Europe we're definitely wishing that we had student discount cards, as they offer quite a few discounts. Otherwise, we had some lovely and filling meals for rarely over $5 person and beer is still cheap, which is definitely one of our budget indicators!


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