Budget Synopsis: Ukraine

Days in country: 5
Food: $163.12
Lodging: $130.86 (1 overnight train)
Transport: $110.50 (trains, buses)
Entrance fees: $3.70 (museums, castle)
Tours: $4.94 (free walking tour tip)
Souvenirs: $6.60
Other: $0.62 (church candles)  

TOTAL: $420.34= $84.07/day for 2 people

Since we knew we'd be splurging on a private room for pretty much the whole time we were here, we figured our daily budget was shot anyway and acted appropriately. We could have halved our lodging costs by staying in a dorm, but after so long in hostels and Workaways with not much personal space, we needed a private room for our mental and marriage sanity. We also ate like pigs since Lviv is such a foodie town (and two trips to TexMex with margaritas and beer didn't help), so it all added up. We don't regret a thing, however, especially if comfort food from home and being able to fall asleep without 10 other people in your room made Ukraine that much easier to swallow.


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