Budget Synopsis: Ireland

Days in country: 32 (29 days spent at Workaways or Couchsurfing)
Food: $315.23
Lodging: $121.50 
Transport: $262.17 (buses)
Entrance fees: $68.18 (Guinness Factory, movies ) 
Other: $218.70 (mailing package home, allergy medication, underwear, hostess gifts)

TOTAL: $985.78= $30.81/day for 2 people

Transportation is killer here and while our daily total ended up being less than our average in Thailand, I was still shocked to see how much we spent on buses and food. Our "other" items also added up as well, from the pills I had to finally buy to combat my allergy symptoms, to the cheap underwear and clothes on offer at Penneys, a local store that Steve and I can't stay away from (though I'm the only one who ever buys anything!) As always, Workaways and Couchsurfing saved our butts here, as it could have been much, much worse.


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